John P. Geisler, MD, MSPharm, FACOG
John P. Geisler, MD, MSPharm, FACOG
As the Dean of the Trinity School of Medicine, I am excited to share the transformative changes we have implemented in our curriculum, setting us apart from other Caribbean medical schools. Our newly introduced organ-based spiral curriculum is at the forefront of medical education innovation. This approach aligns seamlessly with the USMLE Content Outline, ensuring our students are exceptionally well-prepared for their board examinations. What makes our curriculum truly unique is its early integration of clinical medicine, allowing students to apply their foundational knowledge to real-world scenarios from the outset. This integration enhances understanding and cultivates critical thinking skills essential for future physicians.
Our curriculum thoughtfully connects all subjects of the preclinical years, offering a more cohesive and comprehensive learning experience. This interconnectivity ensures a deeper and more intuitive understanding of medical sciences as concepts are revisited and reinforced through various stages of the learning process. This spiral method not only aids in retention but also in synthesizing complex medical knowledge.
In modernizing the educational experience, we have strategically incorporated ‘white space’ time into our schedules. This allows students to engage in self-directed learning and well-being activities, fostering a balanced approach to medical education. Understanding the importance of fair and accurate assessments, we have established a dedicated committee to ensure our internal tests’ fairness, clarity, and scientific accuracy. This committee plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of our evaluation process, ensuring that all assessments are equitable and reflective of current medical knowledge.
Furthermore, our curriculum includes case-based learning (CBL) in clinical settings, ensuring students receive a consistent and high-quality educational experience across all core clerkships. This method bridges the gap between theory and practice and prepares our students for the diverse challenges they will face in their medical careers. By incorporating CBL, we equip our students with the skills to analyze and approach clinical cases confidently and competently.
At Trinity School of Medicine, we are committed to providing an education that is comprehensive, current, and responsive to the evolving needs of healthcare. We invite you to join this exciting journey as we train the next generation of skilled, compassionate, and innovative medical professionals.
John P. Geisler, MD, MSPharm, FACOG
This course provides the students with lectures and comprehensive overview of the gross anatomy of the osteomioarticular system and peripheral nervous system, with consideration of relationships of various anatomical structures. The interpretation of normal medical imaging studies is also highlighted. 3 credits
This course provides the students with lectures and comprehensive overview of the gross anatomy of the components of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and the urogenital systems as well as the organs of vision, hearing and balance. Prerequisite – Anatomy I. 3 credits
This course provides the students with lectures and comprehensive overview of human embryology, including features and major events of the development of specific organs and systems of humans in embryonic and fetal periods, the current understanding of some of the molecular events that guide development of the embryo. 2 credits
This course provides the students with a foundation for understanding the microscopic organization of the human tissues. The course commences with the basic concepts of tissue preparation and microscopy followed by the study of the cardinal features of the cell and its internal structures as revealed by light and electron microscopy. The normal histological organization of the four basic tissues and organs is presented with emphasis on the relation of structure to function, as well as the structural changes underlying selected diseases. The normal microscopic structure of the components of the major organ systems is studied in detail. 2 credits
Students are provided an opportunity to enhance their teaching skills to students in Anatomy 1 or 2. This elective is also appropriate for students interested in teaching the anatomy portion of Neuroscience. 1 credit
This course provides students with a basic understanding of the chemical components of the human body and their functions, the molecular architecture of eukaryotic cells and organelles, the principles of bioenergetics and enzyme catalysis, the chemical nature of biological macromolecules, their three-dimensional conformation, the principles of molecular recognition, and the major metabolic pathways in health and their most frequent disorders. 7 credits
This course provides students with concepts of statistics used in biomedical literature and provides the students opportunities to demonstrate the ability to interpret studies correctly using information presented in the course. 1 credit
This course introduces the students to the practice of statistics such as displaying distributions with graphs, describing distributions with numbers, looking at data relationships, scatter plots, correlation, least squares and multiple regression, relations in categorical data, the question of causation, sampling designs, statistical inference, estimating with confidence, tests of significance, power and inference, comparing two means, comparing several means, inference from two-way-tables, and nonparametric tests. The course also introduces the students to the application of statistics to epidemiology in the matter of rates, incidence and prevalence, mortality and fatality, measures of risk such as the odds ratio, sensitivity and specificity, and predictive values. 1 credit
This course introduces students to the unique patient-physician relationship and the skills that are needed for effective clinical interactions. Students learn the skills of history taking and practice the art of communication during patient encounters. Practical opportunities to interview real patients under the supervision of clinical faculty are provided during hospital and clinic visits. An introduction to the field of public health allows students to explore the relationship between public health and clinical medicine. Medical ethics, cultural competence and patient centered care are discussed and standards of care in privacy and safety are presented leading to certification in HIPAA and OSHA-BBP standards. 3 credits
This course focuses on the information gathering professional activity and builds on previous skills. It introduces physical examination in the skills lab using a regional/organ system approach. Students receive practical experience with patient interviews and physical examination in the clinic setting. Lectures, videos, clinical demonstrations and practice sessions in the skills lab and at various clinical sites help to meet these objectives. Community medicine discussions include access to care in addition to national and global health systems and challenges. 2 credits
This course continues to provide students with foundational knowledge and skills of patient care. It also emphasizes the professional and personal attributes required in competent and caring physicians. Professional activities are developed through learning and skill-building activities including hospital and clinic rotations, small group activities, interactive presentations and lectures, hospital clinical experiences, and other active learning opportunities to enhance clinical development of students’ professional activities. 2 credits
This course further exposes students to the art and skills of patient care. It further strengthens the professional and personal attributes required in a competent and caring physician. Medical professionalism and ethics are emphasized. Students are provided a balanced mix of learning and skill-building opportunities comprised of hospital and clinic rotations, small group activities, and interactive presentations and lectures. The practical learning experience this course provides helps students refine and receive feedback on their demonstration of professional skills. 2 credits
This course continues integrating clinical medicine with the basic sciences taught in Terms 1-4. Students participate in case presentations, clinical experiences, and active learning activities to enhance clinical skills demonstration throughout the term in preparation for the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) with virtual standardized patients. 6 credits
This course is designed to provide students with a review of systems through case presentations and clinical reviews. The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for the comprehensive basic science examination at the end of the term and the USMLE Step 1 exam. With an emphasis on understanding basic sciences from the perspective of a clinician, it provides active learning activities to reinforce importance of chief complaints leading to the development of differential diagnoses. 6 credits
This course is designed as a remediation course for students who need additional guidance on the integration of clinical and basic sciences. Students attend refined case studies and lectures and perform the same exams as the CLMD 406 students in an effort to insure maximum understanding of clinical presentation. 6 credits
This course is designed to provide a summative review integrating clinical presentation into the understanding of basic science. Students attend refined course lectures and perform the same exams as the CLMD 406 and 407 students in an effort to ensure maximum understanding of clinical presentation. Alternative review programs may be considered or recommended based on CLMD 407 results. 6 credits
This course introduces the bio-psycho-social model of medicine and its application to the life-cycle with emphasis on the psychological, social and cultural determinants of health. Specific topics address the comprehension and assessment of brain function as it relates to personality, behavior, cognition and sexual development. The basic tools needed for decision making in relation to legal and ethical issues are also presented. 2 credits
Prerequisite: Failing score on the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Biochemistry, Anatomy, and/or Medical Physiology examination(s). This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity for remediation of failed NBME examinations which occurred in Terms 1 and 2. Students will be required to attend lectures in the subject in which they are remediating the NBME (e.g. Anatomy NBME, students are required to attend all Anatomy 1 and Anatomy 2 lectures during their study term). All remediation requires the student to be in person on the SVG campus.
Prerequisite: Failing score on the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Microbiology, Pathology, and/or Pharmacology examination(s). This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity for remediation of failed NBME examinations which occurred in Term 4. Students will be required to attend lectures in the subject in which they are remediating the NBME (e.g. Pathology NBME, students are required to attend all Pathology 1 and Pathology 2 lectures during their study term). All remediation requires the student to be in person on the SVG campus.
This introduces students to a broad selection of medical career specialties. Developed by the American Association of Medical Colleges, this interactive program provides information on selecting a medical specialty through an evaluation worksheet to assist with guiding the student in 38 School of Medicine considerations for a medical specialty early in medical school. 1 credit
This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity for independent study in preparation for USMLE Step 1. Review materials and study support are provided. Student is expected to register with the USMLE and Prometric Center and take their first attempt of Step 1 at the beginning of this course. The course may be taken for up to 15 weeks. Once Step 1 is passed, students may progress into Elective I clerkships as the next available starting date. 6 credits
This course is designed to provide students with an additional opportunity for independent study in preparation for Step 1 after an initial failure. Students are to be in person and attend (audit) CLMD 406. This professionally produced review is important to help students achieve a pass on Step 1 exam. Currently, there are three weeks prior to the start of CLMD 406 and 5 weeks post for focused independent study time. Student is expected to sign up for and take their second attempt of Step 1 during this term. The course may be taken for up to 15 weeks. 6 credits
This course is designed to provide students with a final opportunity for independent study in preparation for Step 1 after a second/third failure. Student is expected to pursue other independent review/tutor options as approved and discussed with one of the Deans to facilitate and improve their ability to pass Step 1. Student is expected to sign up for and take their third attempt of Step 1 during this term. The course may be taken for up to 15 weeks. 6 credits
Students who have not passed their Step 1 exam by the end of their third course will be registered for IDIS 503 until such time as they have either passed the Step 1 exam or exhausted their allowable attempts by USMLE rules.
This course has three sections. The first section is devoted to understanding the basic concepts of immunology and dysfunctional aspects of the immune system. The second section deals with basic bacteriology, virology and mycology which include: classification, structure, growth and replication; mechanisms of gene transfer; mode of action of antimicrobial agents and 39 microbial resistance, pathogenesis; sterilization and disinfection; and laboratory diagnostic methods. The third section deals with the description of the major human parasites; emphasis is given on the life cycle, epidemiology, clinical diseases, diagnosis and prevention. 3 credits
Microbiology II is an organ/system approach to infectious diseases. The course begins with a brief description of the major signs and symptoms of infectious diseases that affect a particular organ/ system. For each etiologic agent, basic characteristics of the pathogen, its habit and means of transmission, virulence attributes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, vaccine and aspects of the immune response to the pathogen and an indication of accepted antimicrobial or related treatment are discussed. Prerequisite – Microbiology I. 3 credits
Neuroscience provides the basis for the understanding of structure and function of the human nervous system and disorders affecting it. The course is kept relevant by including discussions of appropriate clinical cases and scenarios. Students will also have the opportunity to extend their understanding of some areas and to develop skills in self-directed learning. 3 credits
Pathology I introduces students to an understanding of the alterations in cells and tissues in response to harmful stimuli. Acquired skills of general pathology including inflammation, ischemia, infarction and necrosis will be applied to specific organ systems. 6 credits
The course of organ system pathology is designed to help students understand the alterations in specialized organ systems and tissues that are responsible for the disorders that involve these organs. The skills of general pathology acquired in Pathology I will be applied to specific organ systems. Thus, systemic pathology is a continuation of general pathology with special emphasis on organ systems. Prerequisite – Pathology I. 8 credits
The basic principles of pharmacology will be taught in this first semester course. There will be three blocks of concentration: basic pharmacology; autonomic nervous system, renal, cardiovascular, blood, gastrointestinal and respiratory pharmacology; and pain and inflammation pharmacology. 3 credits
The basic principles of pharmacology will be continued in this second semester course. There will be three topics of concentration: 1) chemotherapy of infection and cancer, 2) pain and central nervous system pharmacology, and 3) endocrine pharmacology. The course will culminate with a comprehensive exam over both pharmacology courses. Prerequisite – Pharmacology I. 3 credits
Medical Physiology introduces the student to the basics of normal human physiology or the study of function, activities, and processes of the human body. The course provides an in depth introduction to a systems/organ system study of medically pertinent physiology. Teaching covers general and cell physiology, muscular, endocrine, reproductive, blood systems, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and GI physiology. As the student is introduced to normal physiology, concepts of pathophysiology are also presented. 6 credits
Students are eligible to enter clinical clerkships after passing the required qualifying exams and USMLE exams. Students are required to take 48 weeks of clinical core clerkships. The core clerkships in medicine, surgery, pediatrics, family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and psychiatry are the basic areas of medical practice about which all physicians need to be knowledgeable. They are included in the curriculum of every medical school. Participation in these clerkships also provides students with an understanding of the various core specialties in medicine.
In this clerkship, students are introduced to the principles and practice of family medicine. It is an opportunity to begin development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to approach a problem in the primary care setting. Students will observe how family physicians provide for ongoing medical needs of their patients within the context of the family and community setting and participate in the care of patients. 6 credits
In this clerkship, students are introduced to the principles of caring for the medical patient. Students will begin to understand the general process of the application of medical therapy to patients in a wide variety of settings. The student participates as a member of the medical team and observes the role of the internist as a member of the multidisciplinary team providing patient care. 12 credits
During this clerkship, students are introduced to the principles of caring for the OBGYN patient and participate in the various stages of evaluation and treatment of patients. Students will begin to understand the general process of the application of OBGYN specific therapies to patients in a wide variety of settings and participate as a member of a multidisciplinary team for patient care. 6 credits
In this clerkship, students acquire knowledge about the process of growth and development and about common diseases and conditions of childhood. Students work with children and families together to develop an understanding of the importance of preventive medicine and how social and environmental factors affect young people. 6 credits
In this clerkship, students learn through clinical involvement by working directly with patients and being part of the treatment team. Students develop professional rapport with patients, understand the presentation of psychiatric illness, assess patient histories and mental status and develop bio-psychosocial assessments and treatment plans. 6 credits
In this clerkship, students are introduced to the principles of caring for the surgical patient. Students participate in the care of patients in the various stages of evaluation and treatment by surgeons. The student will begin to understand the general process of the application of surgical therapy to patients in a wide variety of settings as a member of the multidisciplinary team. 12 credits
After the completion of elective I clerkships and passing Step 2 CK, an additional 27 weeks are spent in elective II clerkships. The Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Clerkships will assist students in developing an Elective Plan which improves the student’s chances for a residency in a specialty of their choice.
The focus of Term 5, known as the clinical transition term, is the integration of clinical sciences into the basic science program our students have already completed in Terms 1-4. Our Integrated Systems Review is a comprehensive 7-week program designed specifically to equip students for success in the USMLE Step 1 exam. This fully immersive study experience has been carefully tailored to meet the unique needs of students before they embark on clinical rotations.
Students are eligible to enter clinical clerkships after passing the required qualifying exams and USMLE exams.
Office of Admissions & Administration
Basic Science Campus, St. Vincent