Trinity School of Medicine Holds August 5th Term Ceremony

Last week, Trinity School of Medicine held its latest fifth term ceremony, sending 30 of its  students on to Baltimore, MD and the next phase of their medical education. 

The event was attended by families and friends of the departing students, all welcomed by student speaker Killian Harrelson. Harrelson noted the group’s diversity, “Some of us came to medical school directly out of college; while others took some time off in between; and for others still, this is their second career.” He reminisced about their passion upon arrival in a new country, to new people, and a new experience.  

Harrelson’s speech wove through inspiration and sentiment on the students’ time at Trinity, while delivering a somber reminder of why they were all there: “According to the World Health Organization,” he said, “44% of the countries in the world have less than 1 doctor per 1000 people. In the United States in 2015, it was estimated that 821,000 doctors were available for 321.6 million people.  That’s 2.5 per 1000.” He noted that he and his colleagues were undertaking a tremendous task in completing medical school, and that them doing so was not just a personal mission, but a greater calling to medicine.   

Trinity’s dean, Dr. Linda Adkison, echoed Harrelson’s comments, “You have learned that you never really knew what this type hard work really could be until you experienced medical school.”  She reminded the newly minted clinical students that the faculty is extremely committed to their success, and was adamant that they should hold on to that truth and take it into their clerkships as they encounter new challenges. Dean Adkison concluded, “We are proud of you, we have great expectations for all of you; and anything you need from us, all you have to do is just walk in, send an email, or pick up the phone. That door never closes to you.”

After Dean Adkison’s address, awards for and from the departing class were announced.

Faculty Bestowed Awards
Top Basic Sciences Performer – Jeanette Kusi
Top CBSE Score – Robert Smith
Future Physician Award – Janna Williams 
White Coat Award – Christopher Hogan

Student Bestowed Awards
Best Professor (Pre-Med) – Eric Audain DVM, PhD
Best Professor (Term 1 and 2) – Lina Díaz, MD, PhD
Best Professor (Term 3 and 4) – Ranjan Solanki, MBBS, MD
Best Professor (Term 5) – Jamil Ibrahim, MD
Best 5th Term Student – Oregon McDiarmid

Dean Adkison showed a particular gratitude for these students, noting that the contributions of this class were instrumental in recent developments to the school itself. Oregon McDiarmid, the “best 5th term” student recipient, also served as a leader of the Trinity Student Government Association and served as a student liaison to the Curriculum Committee.

The ceremony concluded as each of the new clinical students had their Trinity School of Medicine pins fastened to their white coats by their professors. The evening wrapped up with a celebratory dinner reception.

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