Alumni Spotlight

Highlighting Trinity Family Successes

Woman sitting at a counter while evaluating test tubes after navigating a career change to the medical field

Navigating a Career Change to the Medical Field

Switching careers, especially to the medical field, is a big and exciting change. People usually decide to make this shift because they want something more fulfilling or have a strong desire for personal growth. Whether it’s a passion for learning, a wish to make a positive impact on society, or just a need for a

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Student working as EMTs while participating in good jobs for pre-med students

What Are Good Jobs for Pre-Med Students?

Embarking on the journey to becoming a physician is an admirable pursuit that requires dedication, passion, and years of rigorous education and training. For pre-med students, the path is filled with challenges and opportunities that extend beyond medical school. As you navigate through your undergraduate years, it’s crucial to consider various jobs that not only

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Caribbean medical school students at Trinity graduation 2018

Trinity Alumni: History of Success

 Since the medical school was founded in 2008, Trinity School of Medicine has continued to create successful, skilled physicians whose passion for medicine has driven them to become great models for the new generation of med students. Trinity alumni have shown nothing but gratitude and love for the med school that helped them get to

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a group of students engaging in the benefits of clinical research for pre-med

Benefits of Clinical Research for Pre-Med Students

For pre-medical students, the path is often filled with motivation and pursuit of ways to stand out in the competitive world of medical school admissions. One exceptional avenue that can pave the way for aspiring doctors is clinical research. It is essential to explore the numerous benefits of clinical research for pre-med students, ranging from

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