Trinity's Blog

Navigating Your Medical Education Journey

Trinity School of Medicine Releases Spring 2018 Admissions Interview Schedule


Trinity School of Medicine’s winter interview schedule opens the door to students that want a jump start on the 2018 academic year in May, or find that perfect academic opportunity for them in our September class. This is a critical time saver for students who want to start their medical journey sooner rather than later,… Continue reading Trinity School of Medicine Releases Spring 2018 Admissions Interview Schedule

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Trinity School of Medicine Holds December 2017 Fifth Term Ceremony


Last week, Trinity School of Medicine held its December 2017 5th Term Ceremony. The evening event, attended by faculty, staff, friends, and family, many of whom traveled far from home, commemorates the transition from basic sciences to clinical rotations. It also represents a departure from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, sending students on to complete… Continue reading Trinity School of Medicine Holds December 2017 Fifth Term Ceremony

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Medical Board of California Approval from Trinity School of Medicine


Students, applicants, and pre-meds that we’ve talked to over the past year have heard about Trinity moving forward with Medical Board of California (MBC) approval process. Given Trinity’s ever-growing list of international recognition, accreditation, and approvals, the time was right to take this next step for our students.

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Trinity School of Medicine Hosts Forensic and Law Symposium on St. Vincent


In late November, Trinity School of Medicine collaborated with St. Vincent and the Grenadines Medical Association, the St. Vincent Bar Association, and a number of other local entities, to host the second annual Forensic and the Law Symposium, specifically examining the intersection of the two titular topics. There was heavy student participation in the event,… Continue reading Trinity School of Medicine Hosts Forensic and Law Symposium on St. Vincent

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Trinity School of Medicine Holds 2017 Research Day


English physicist Paul A.M. Dirac’s declared that, “The measure of greatness in a scientific idea is the extent to which it stimulates thought and opens up new lines of research.” In that spirit, last week Trinity School of Medicine held its annual research day on campus in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. The event featured… Continue reading Trinity School of Medicine Holds 2017 Research Day

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