Trinity School of Medicine Releases Fall 2018 Admissions Interview Schedule

Closeup of an interviewee holding up a resume during a medical school admissions interview

Trinity School of Medicine’s Fall interview schedule opens the door to students that want to begin their MD program in January, May or September 2019. This is a critical time saver for students who want to start their medical journey sooner rather than later, and don’t want to  delay their future rolling the dice with another admission cycle in the US or Canada.

First, let’s look at the schedule for the next couple of months. While these are our current dates, this is by no means the final list. Check this page (or click any of the cities below) frequently, as dates and locations will be added.

Washington D.C.

Baltimore, MD

Newark, DE

Philadelphia, PA

Fort Collins, CO

Toronto, ON

Mississauga, ON

Boulder, CO

Provo, UT

Blacksburg, VA

Harrisonburg, VA

Charlottesville, VA

Newport News VA

Waco, TX

Austin, TX

College Station, TX

Tuscon, AZ

Phoenix, AZ

Atlanta, GA
Weekly by Appt

Salt Lake City, UT
Weekly by Appt

For many students, international medical education is about the opportunity, a necessary one, as well. 60% of US medical applicants miss the acceptance cut at home. At the same time, 25% of all physicians in the United States trained abroad, the majority of which came through schools like Trinity. We set ourselves apart right away with the interview, offering it at the beginning of the admissions process, not the end, to make sure students with real potential are seen for who they are and who they can be, not just what it says on the transcripts.

If you’re thinking, this admissions process seems different, you’re right [more]

We want students with grit, moxie, chutzpah, and passion! We love it when students who have worked so hard under often difficult conditions come to Trinity and all of that potential is tapped, sending them on to brilliant academic success and an incredibly bright future.

And you can’t quantify those qualities on transcripts or test scores. So while we definitely use those numbers to gauge academic performance and potential like any school, we also want students to tell us their story, unpack the scores and grades, and show us the life that brought them into medicine and Trinity. That means the interview comes almost first.


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