Trinity School of Medicine Launches Southern Regional Admissions Interview Schedule

Trinity School of Medicine is excited to announce a multi-state admissions tour of the Southeastern United States.

Trinity has made no secret of its particular attachment to the Southeast. Our administrative offices are outside Atlanta, Georgia, as were our first clinical rotations, and our chancellor lead the medical program at Mercer for the better part of two decades. This is more than geographical loyalty, though. It’s about addressing a critical need on the part on both patients and our home-region’s qualified but overlooked medical students.


The Southeast, Georgia in particular, needs more excellent physicians. Any way you slice the data, from per capita physician-to-patient ratio, to disease incidence, to demand for services, every county in Georgia has a shortfall of doctors. The trend tragically extends across the Southeast, too.

To do ouDr Millerr part to address this shortage and make up for where the traditional US medical school system is losing ground, Trinity is announcing a major tour of the region. We hope to not only serve the southeast but find those qualified future physicians the system has overlooked and give them the opportunity they deserve.

Dr. Michael Miller, Trinity’s executive director of admissions, will be strategically touring the Southeast in the coming months to meet with applicants, and pre-health advisors, and conduct admissions interviews. Dr. Miller’s unique insight into the academic culture and stratification is invaluable to this process: He’s a Clemson graduate with an MA and Ph.D. from FSU and over 35 years of experience in academic stewardship at higher learning institutions throughout the Southern US.

Train abroad. Practice at home. Experience a diverse, supportive learning environment, gain global health experience, enjoy grand rounds Johns Hopkins, and join a legacy of success.


Medical school is never easy, but with Trinity, you’ll never forget that it’s worth it.

Click here to register.



  • Orlando, FL . . . . . June 1
  • Gainseville, FL. . . June 2
  • Tallahassee, FL . . June 3

Georgia and Alabama

  • Atlanta, GA. . . . . .Ongoing
  • Columbus, GA. . . .June 14
  • Birmingham, AL. . .June 15

North Carolina

  • Raleigh, NC. . . . . .June 21
  • Greensboro, NC. . .June 22
  • Charlotte, NC. . . . .June 23


  • Nashville, TN. . . . .June 28
  • Knoxville, TN. . . . .June 29
  • Chattanooga, TN. . .June 30


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