Trinity School of Medicine Holds September 2017 White Coat Ceremony

This Saturday, September 2nd, Trinity’s largest class to the date formally became a part of the student body of Trinity School of Medicine at a ceremony held at the nearby Faith Temple Church. 

The group of eighty future physicians was presided over by Trinity’s dean, Dr. Linda Adkison. In attendance were His Excellency, Governor General Sir Frederick Ballantyne; representatives from the Ministries of Health and Education; parents; relatives; faculty; and staff.

Trinity’s president Steven R. Wilson gave welcoming remarks and introduced a video presentation in which the previous year’s graduates of Trinity offered guidance to the incoming students. Graduates spoke of their own first impressions of St. Vincent and the school to forming friendships, studying medicine, making a difference through outreach, and looking ahead toward residency and beyond.  One graduate gave the following advice, “Belief in yourself.  Keep going.  There’s a finish line to this race.”

Trinity School of Medicine’s chancellor,
W. Douglas Skelton, MD, addressed the group. He underscored the higher calling to medicine, emphasizing that, “These are responsibilities and commitments that follow you throughout life, and if you honor them you will have a career of creativity and assistance to humanity.” He reiterated that as of this ceremony, their white coat, even when not worn, still bound them to the responsibilities and commitments that they have as physicians. He also spoke to the small, defining moments of a physician’s career, noting that one day, they would, “Find something in a patient that your attending physician did not find; and I hope when it happens, your attending physician will commend you for the effort and welcoming you to be more independent in your judgment and evaluation of patients.” 

Dr. Skelton closed his address by reiterating the principle of constant improvement, personally, professionally, and institutionally. “The symbolism of the white coat involves all of us.  Remember, medicine is a noble profession and we are all colleagues on a team in support of excellence.”  This testimonial goes well in tandem with the growth which Trinity School of Medicine has experienced lately and the continued new successes of their graduates.

The day wrapped up with the traditional outing to the nearby Young Island for a reception and a more casual opportunity for new students and veteran faculty alike to get acquainted and prepare for the upcoming term.

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