Trinity School of Medicine Welcomes New Dean Dr. Linda Adkison as Dr. Skelton Focuses on Chancellorship

As Trinity School of Medicine continues to grow, so must the administration guiding that growth, ensuring the depth and breadth of quality scales with it. To that end, we are very excited to announce that Dr. Skelton is transitioning to focus on his role as chancellor and we are proud to welcome the eminently qualified Dr. Linda Adkison as dean.


Previously, Dr. Skelton held both positions himself, noting: “My initial plan was to serve as chancellor and dean through Trinity’s obtaining accreditation by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Medicine and the Health professions (CAAM-HP) and then assist in identifying my successor. I am extremely pleased that Dr. Linda Adkison, a colleague from my Mercer days with extensive medical education, medical research, and medical administrative experience has agreed to join us as dean and relocate to St. Vincent. With this change, I will continue as chancellor to assist Dr. Adkison, and to work with her, President Wilson, and the Board of Trustees to continue the establishment of Trinity as a leading international medical school.”


As Dr. Skelton said, Dr. Adkison’s background is extensive. She earned her BS and MS from Georgia Southern University, and a PhD from Texas A&M University with postgraduate training and fellowships at organizations like The Jackson Laboratory, AAMC, NBME, FAIMER, and institutions like Mt. Sinai and Harvard Medical (to name a few). She taught in medical programs across the southeastern United States and still currently serves on accreditation and compliance boards nationally and internationally. In her research work, approximately $5 million dollars in prior funding supported Dr. Adkison’s R&D interests, pursuing the areas of genetics and medical pedagogy, the latter being of particular interest to Trinity as a school constantly striving to elevate the standards of quality in international medical education.

While already very busy, she took the time to add: “I look forward to working with the faculty and advancing the goals of Dr. Douglas Skelton to enhance student quality and outcomes. Trinity is a remarkable institution with a progressive approach to meeting the growing healthcare needs of the US, Canada, and the global community.”

To read more about Dr. Adkison, click here to visit our administrative page and see her more complete biography.

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