Trinity School of Medicine Students Join World Pediatric Project on Cardiology Mission

The World Pediatric Project conducted another mission to St. Vincent & the Grenadines and Trinity students were, once again, at bedside with the visiting specialists.  This third visit of 2017 was focused on cardiology and headed by pediatric cardiologist, Dr. William Moskowitz. The trip culminated in the consultation and treatment of 178 children with congenital defects and rheumatic heart disease.

While each World Pediatric Project visit to the island gives Trinity students unique opportunities to closely observe, assist, and learn from the visiting experts, this trip was noteworthy: Dr. Moskowitz conducted training for students and hospital staff on a new echocardiogram. He described the session as an opportunity for all involved to be, “Educated in the process of knowing how to conduct examinations; how to recognize diseases using the echocardiogram chest x-rays; and other laboratory studies.” That same evening, Trinity students were invited to sit in on a formal Continuing Medical Education (CME) session covering, “Physical Examination of Children with Congenital Heart Valvular Disease.”

Video: Watch Dr. Moskowitz and the World Pediatric Project with Trinity students at Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in St. Vincent.

Trinity student Caitlin Laird, who had attended the CME and the clinic itself noted, “Dr. Moskowitz provided information as he examined the patients. He looks at every patient in exactly the same way, observes them always standing on the right side, then goes on to palpation and auscultation. We got to see him put that into practice today.”  She added that they were given the opportunity to act as his scribes throughout: “He described what he was finding on the echocardiogram and we wrote it down.” Laird continued, “We got to see what he was seeing and to diagnose along the way.  He was methodical and quick, with a great working rhythm. It was a great insight into his examination techniques.”

Trinity student Raisa Anwar added, “Dr. Moskowitz described what he was seeing as he went through each exam. After the lectures the prior night, this gave us a real insight into the way his mind was working.”  Anwar continued, “This will hopefully serve as a template for us when we go into clinicals.”

Some students weren’t just inspired by his technique, but his entire field. Stuent Janet Kusi admitted, “Pediatric cardiology is at the top of my list of specialties. This was a wonderful opportunity to see what I would potentially be doing in the future.” Her colleague Chris Hogan agreed.  “I have a ten-year background as a paramedic and firefighter, so cardiology and respiration were our bread and butter, but the pediatric aspect had escaped me, especially echocardiography.  It has piqued my interest and I really appreciate the opportunity.”  ” We saw a couple of really important congenital cases which we always learn about, but we saw them firsthand while still in our basic sciences.”

To find out more about the World Pediatric Project, you can visit their website here.

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