Winter Medical School Interview Schedule

New Admissions Interview Dates & Locations 

Las Vegas, NV
December 1 
Vancouver, BC
Oakland, CA
December 9
San Jose, CA
December 10
Newark/Elizabeth NJ
December 29
Tampa, FL
December 30
Miami, FL
January 7
Charlotte, NC
January 11
Columbia, NC
January 12
Toronto, ONT
January 17
Toronto, ONT
January 19
Salt Lake City, UT
January 21
Provo, UT
January 22
Columbus, OH
January 25
Cincinnati, OH
January 26
 Cleveland, OH
January 27
Sacramento, CA
February 2
Minneapolis, MN
February 2
Madison, WI
February 3
Knoxville, TN
February 3

If there isn’t an interview scheduled in your area, click the
 and fill out the (top left) form to request alternate options.

Trinity School of Medicine is an institution with many goals, but one of them is about maintaining academic momentum.

Because of this, Trinity offers rolling admissions to its incoming students, providing January, May, and September start terms. Each has its strengths (for example, while Trinity’s class sizes are far smaller than other medical schools, January in particular is limited to 20-25 students to create an optimal learning environment for those that thrive on closer interactions). September is for students who are gifted, eager students but, for whatever reason, just didn’t end up in their first choice school in the US and Canada.

A 2016 Start Is Still Available to You

This is not to say that Trinity is just a “plan b” option, though. The quality of the education and the student culture of service stand out for past graduates as critical factors in shaping the type of doctor they eventually became in their residency and practice. Trinity carefully selects for personality (famously evaluating “the whole person” and not just the transcript) when considering admissions, which is why the interview is so important and, by many schools’ standards, very early.

On Interviews, Timing, and the Intersection of Value

Medical school interviews are a major component of the admissions process and should be considered a significant milestone by prospective students. Excellent doctors are individuals with compassion, drive, and the desire to make a difference. Characteristics like these are difficult to assess from grade point averages and MCAT scores alone. At Trinity, we endeavor to personally meet with as many qualified individuals as possible as part of our holistic approach to admissions. To facilitate this, we send admissions team leaders to cities across the U.S. and Canada to meet one-on-one with prospective students, in person and close to home (or school).

By completing an interview request, you are signaling your interest in meeting with our team to discuss your candidacy for our MD program. Interviews enable students to demonstrate their personal strengths and how it balances with their academic and extracurricular experience. It’s a remarkable opportunity for both sides to ask questions and gauge the fit between the goals and objectives of the interviewee and the learning environment and approach at Trinity.

The Trinity Advantage

Trinity is an institution dedicated to its culture of welcome and support. Should you be chosen to take part, bring your best self, but also come armed with the confidence and comfort of knowing that the admissions team has the same interest in your future success that you carry to the meeting, and they want nothing more than to see you become a great doctor and proud Trinity alum.

With that, click here to see the regional interview schedule for 2016 candidates.

Note: Candidates are only considered for interviews if they have submitted all preliminary application material.

This includes application documents from AMCAS, AACOMAS, OMSAS, TMDSAS, or Trinity’s online application; MCAT scores; transcripts; letters of recommendation; and the application fee. If there are any questions about any of these, do not hesitate to contact the Trinity administration at



We look forward to meeting you!

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